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FREE Mindfulness & Meditation Class

By African-American Cultural Society (A2CS), American Sign Language (ASL), Black Student Union, Brain Bowl, Brazilian Film Festival, Bridges to Success, Campus Crusade for Christ, Career Center, Cyber Security Club, DirectConnect to UCF®, Dual Enrollment, Equal Opportunity, Financial Learning Ambassadors, Future Hospitality Leaders of America (FHLA Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Management), Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA), Intensive English Program (IEP), International Education Week (IEW), Internship and Workforce Services, Latin American Student Organization (LASO), Muslim Ambassadors for Peace, Phi Beta Lambda (PBL Business), Phi Theta Kappa (PTK Academic Honorary), Phi Theta Kappa - Alpha Gamma Omega Chapter (PTK Academic Honorary), Phi Theta Kappa - Chi Epsilon Chapter (PTK Academic Honorary), Pop Culture Club, Seneff Honors College, Skillshops, Student Development, Student Development Events, Student Government Association (SGA), Student Research Community (SRC), Study Abroad and Global Experiences (SAGE), Transition Services, Valencia African Heritage Committee (VAHC), Valencia Future Educators Association, Valencia Haitian Student Association (VAHSA), Valencia Intercultural Student Association (VISA), Valencia Model of the United Nations (Model U.N.), Valencia Sound Club (VSC), Valencia Students for Change (VSFC), Valencia Technology Club, Valencia Volunteers, Valencia Wellness, Valencia at UCF Downtown, Wellness Ambassadors

Thursday, April 15, 2021 1pm to 2:15pm

online, Free Event
Free Event

Koru Mindfulness is a 4 session no-credit course taught by Valencia Counselor Dr. Roman, that will teach you the skill of mindfulness. It will also help you build the habit of using it in your life on a regular basis. We’ve found that folks get a lot more out of Koru if they stick with it from beginning to end; therefore, pre-registration and attendance at all 4 sessions is required. Double check your calendar and then sign up for one of the options advertised. The class will be offered in a virtual format using Zoom. The access links will be sent after you register and prior to class meetings.  Space is limited.

Koru Mindfulness & Meditation

Date and Time


Thursday, March 25 2021 at 1:00 PM EDT to

Thursday, April 15 2021 at 2:15 PM EDT

Pre-register at

 Pre-register for the class using the link provided. Zoom links for class meetings will be sent after you register and before the class meetings.


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