About this Event
Spring semester was filled with global learning opportunities for our students, both on campus and abroad. Here are some of the highlights from this semester:
Inbound Programs - Study Abroad
- Koning Willem I College/Netherlands/February 18-24: Professor Suzette Ashton hosted a group of 18 students and 4 faculty members from our long-standing partner Koning Willem I College in the Netherlands for an inbound study abroad program in collaboration with Valencia students, faculty, and staff. The Dutch students visited classes such as New Student Experience, Introduction to Humanities, and Interpersonal Communications. They also collaborated on a City as Text activity with Valencia Honors Students and volunteered at IDignity. In addition, Jeff Goltz, Executive Dean of the School of Public Safety, Rob Pigman, Director of the Criminal Justice Institute, and Carl Creasman, History Professor, provided an informative session on safety and the gun culture in the United States.
The highlight was an opportunity to experience the tactical simulator that trains police officers with simulated firearms for the emotional realities of real-life use-of-force situations. Rebekah Lane, Director, School of Arts and Entertainment, arranged for comp tickets for a performance of “She Kills Monsters” which was a special treat for the group. Many of the Valencia students participating in the activities attended Professor Ashton’s study abroad program to the Netherlands last summer, so they were able to deepen the international friendships made and continue building global connections.
- Our SAGE team promoted new study abroad opportunities for Study Abroad Day on February 26. Over 70 students attend our virtual information sessions on new partner programs including our Exchange Program in Denmark, Internships Abroad, Florence University of the Arts, Semester at Sea, and SIS Intercultural Program in Siena, Italy. We also incorporated sessions on planning a study abroad experience and an Alumni panel.
- On February 28 we had our first in-person Study Abroad Fair since the pandemic, on the West Campus, where we highlighted our new partner programs and provided information about advising, scholarships, post-graduation opportunities abroad and some fun cultural activities as well.
Outbound Programs - Study Abroad
- In March we said “Arrivederci” to our 20 Culinary/Hospitality students as they embarked on their academic adventure in Florence, Italy with Chefs Steven Rujak and Ken Bourgoin and Hospitality Professor Joanne Goodman for the International & Regional Foods course. Upon their return, they showcased their culinary talents in a Post-Program Italian Celebration with a 5-star meal and presentation about their life-changing experience abroad.
- We are in the final preparation stages for the Summer 2024 programs to Germany (Interdisciplinary Honors), Spain (IT for International Business) and Portugal (Service Learning). More updates and photos to come in our next newsletter!
Virtual Exchanges
Our Global Distinction students participated in a unique Virtual Exchange organized by our partners in Denmark, which consisted of monthly online meetings where students from Denmark, Hungary, Austria, the Netherlands, and the U.S. participated in guided discussions and activities related to various interdisciplinary topics. As one of our students reflected on the experience “This session was fun and important for gaining cultural awareness of other people's views and cultures. Everyone had their own understanding of their culture, and even if two people lived in the same place, their perspectives were vastly different. I know very little about European countries, so it was interesting to hear about what they thought other people believed about their culture.”
- Professor Dominic DiPaolo, Program Chair of Digital Media, partnered with SintLucas in the Netherlands to develop a semester-long virtual exchange called “Global 3D Design and Printing in Digital Media Education.” The project aimed to elevate digital media education by blending international perspectives, fostering hands-on learning, and preparing students for a future where global collaboration and adaptability are essential skills. It included a faculty exchange combined with virtual sessions with students from both institutions, focused on 3D design and printing and a group project to create action figures and their packaging.