Tuesday, November 2, 2021 4pm to 7pm
About this Event
Tamara J. Madison knows that poetry can be medicine that empowers and heals in a chaotic world that disenfranchises and destroys, and she is a kindler, gentler, more powerful woman because of it. She is grateful to follow the many poets who both raised and encouraged her, but especially Lucille Clifton (who saved her poet-life). Tamara believes that poets can be superheroes, saving a small piece of the world one day at a time.
Zoom Meeting Link: https://valenciacollege.zoom.us/j/98750956275?pwd=aVVLOVE3ZWhsL2JIM2VSVG53ZnFRZz09
Meeting ID: 987 5095 6275
Passcode: 251795
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