Our focus is on learning techniques to ethically hack and defend computer networks through the use of virtual machines accessed via a CyberStadium. We use those techniques to compete in individual and team competitions, such as the NCL (National Cyber League) and the SECCDC (South East Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition). In addition, we give back to the community by volunteering at on and off campus events. The club is open to all students, no matter what your field of study, so bring your friends and let’s get hacking!
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Our focus is on learning techniques to ethically hack and defend computer networks through the use of virtual machines accessed via a CyberStadium. We use those techniques to compete in individual and team competitions, such as the NCL (National Cyber League) and the SECCDC (South East Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition). In addition, we give back to the community by volunteering at on and off campus events. The club is open to all students, no matter what your field of study, so bring your friends and let’s get hacking!
+ 10 People follow this group
Cyber Security Club has no upcoming events
Wed, Apr 21, 2021 11am to 12:30pm
online, https://bit.ly/springskills2021
$0Tue, Apr 20, 2021 11am to 12pm
online, https://bit.ly/springskills2021
$0Thu, Apr 15, 2021 1pm to 2:15pm
online, https://tinyurl.com/KoruBasic30BWE
$0Thu, Apr 15, 2021 1pm to 2:15pm
online, https://bit.ly/springskills2021
$0Wed, Apr 14, 2021 3pm to 4pm
online, https://bit.ly/springskills2021
$0Tue, Apr 13, 2021 6pm to 7pm
online, https://bit.ly/springskills2021
$0No recent activity